How to successfully work from home with ADHD

How are you handling working from home? For those with ADHD, it’s a struggle.  At home are distractions, a lack of structure, and likely no access to a dedicated workspace. 

Typically, our workplace is structured. We have a commute, a schedule and with coworkers, it is a busy but productive environment, all of which helps you focus and stay on track with projects. 

During this pandemic, the shift to working from home has disturbed many people’s workflow. If you find working from home a major distraction, below are a few ideas on how to stay focused and complete tasks.

-Keep a list of priorities. A great way to schedule your day is to decide if you like to start your day with the essentials. Keep it to light work for a few hours of your day and save the more concentrated work for later in your day when you are most focused and dedicated. Or switch it up, maybe start your day with more concentrated work and end your day with light work. Whatever your preference make it work for you.  

-Create a routine that is successful for you. Our email can be the most taxing as it comes in frequently. Turning your email off and scheduling a time to check and answer emails is a great way to stay focused and manage your time.

-Set a timer. This will allow for easier workflow and time management when you know exactly how long a certain task should take and allow more time for other more difficult tasks. As well as when your next break is. Make your break time intentional. 

Of course, everyone works at different paces and situations are different. We would love to hear from you! What have you tried that made working from home successful for you?  



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