How Mindfulness can benefit those with ADHD

The practice of mindfulness has been known to address health issues such as lower blood pressure and boost the immune system, increase attention and focus, including aid those suffering from ADHD. Daily practice has helped with anxiety and depression.

What is mindfulness meditation?

Mindfulness meditation is being aware of and involved in the present moment and making yourself open, aware, and accepting. 

The basic practice of mindfulness is simple. There are no rules or set time limits. All you need is to dress comfortably, be sitting or standing, outside or inside, wherever you find yourself not being disturbed by others. If 5 minutes sounds too daunting, start with 3 minutes, or 1 minute. 

Close your eyes and take a deep breath and focus on your breathing. In and out. At some point, you will find yourself thinking of work, chores, or whatever. That’s ok, acknowledge that and draw your thoughts back to your breath.

Whether it has been 1 minute or 20, open your eyes and slowly start to notice what’s around you.

Try increasing your time with the daily practice of mindfulness. Your set-up for practice does not need to be elaborate, keep it simple and stick to it.

Give it a try and let us know. We would love to hear any ideas on how this practice helps you and any suggestions you have that may help others.  

List of Resources:



People with ADHD crave stimulation, especially when they are bored


Creating Healthy Habits with ADHD