People with ADHD crave stimulation, especially when they are bored

We've all been there before. You're stuck in a Zoom meeting that's going on far longer than it needs to, you're on a plane with screaming babies for hours, or you're waiting in line at the grocery store with nothing to do. Boredom is inevitable, but that doesn't mean we have to suffer through it. If you know a boring situation is coming and it is predictable, don't let it get the best of you, combat it with a plan to make it a more enjoyable experience.

We have a few strategies to help to reduce boredom. These can be a simple change that keeps your interest and keeps you more engaged in the task at hand.  

  • Find ways to remix your boring task, like walking while making a work call, asking a friend to join you on your weekend errand run, or spicing up your playlist when doing your tedious task.

  • Set a timer. If you start to lose focus after 30 minutes, set a timer for 25 so that you get to break up the monotony with a new task after 25 minutes.

  • Research shows that physical activity increases levels of the neurotransmitters in the brain that control focus and attention. It’s ok if you have an overwhelming urge to fidget during meetings or in class, several helpful gadgets will keep your hands busy so your mind stays focused.

  • Engage your senses. If you're stuck in a Zoom meeting, try wearing headphones and listening to music or an audio book. If you're on a plane, bring along a book or magazine to read, or load up your phone or tablet with movies or TV shows to watch. And if you're waiting in line, bring along a game to play or people watch.

  • Get up and move. If you can't leave the Zoom meeting or your seat on the plane, get up and walk around as much as possible. If you're stuck in line, try stretching or doing simple exercises.

These simple strategies will help reduce boredom by identifying the interests that stimulate your mind. Setting time limits, mixing up your tasks with other activities, or downloading your favorite tv series are a few ways to help you stay focused.


List of resources:





How does music help those with ADHD?


How Mindfulness can benefit those with ADHD